by charlene | Nov 16, 2018 | This is How I Want Her to Be Remembered
Because of me My mother wore aqua blue To my cousin’s wedding “Charlene’s blue” She called it My favorite hue Most everyone knew And we smiled in the photos Against a background red My mother in aqua blue And none of us had a clue In 6 months time My mother would be...
by charlene | Nov 29, 2016 | This is How I Want Her to Be Remembered
My mother went back to school in her 50s. First for her undergraduate degree, then for her master’s degree. All while working full-time. She had always been self-conscious about only having an associate’s degree from college. After divorcing my father, the professor...
by charlene | Nov 29, 2016 | This is How I Want Her to Be Remembered
My mother had a green thumb. Alas, I did not inherit it. I inherited her poor sense of direction and her love of art, but in my hands, plants wilt and wither. She was so proud of her gardens. Roses, irises and hydrangeas were favorites. Her vases were often filled...
by charlene | Nov 29, 2016 | Gallery, This is How I Want Her to Be Remembered
This was my mother’s everyday jewellery: A nice watch, a traditional jade ring, and a fancier ring with a pearl. The sparkly brooch, with clear and teal rhinestones, was her special occasion brooch, and I’ve spotted it in photos of her at parties and...
by charlene | Nov 28, 2016 | Gallery, This is How I Want Her to Be Remembered
When my mother died, she was planning a trip to Asia. And a separate trip to Alaska. Her adventurous, post-retirement trips started with an expedition to Tibet, a place she’d always wanted to visit. She came back with photos of herself in front of temples and with a...