“I don’t want to move on without them” (Grief and The Dash Between)

“I don’t want to move on without them.” Struggling with the idea of leaving your loved one behind? Here’s how I cope with this painful thought, with a concept called The Dash Between. Read the post.

Grief and the Holidays

For many who’ve lost a loved one, the holidays can be a hard time of year. In 2020-2021, it’s even more of a challenge for those of us who are grieving. I want to share the three questions I use to help me cope — and even celebrate — during the holiday and New Year period. Read the post.

Want help coping with your grief?


I help grieving people cope with the practical and emotional toll of loss in a healthy and manageable way. I teach you how to process grief and experience necessary pain with less suffering and more love. Often, it’s helpful to just talk to someone in an open, safe space. You don’t need to worry about hurting my feelings or making me sad. Anger, sadness, resentment, confusion, regret — all your emotions are welcome here.

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Monthly Grief Gathering

Join us for The Grief Gallery's monthly gathering for community sharing and creative inspiration on Zoom the last Wednesday of the month.


Monthly Grief Gathering

Join us for The Grief Gallery's monthly grief gathering the last Wednesday of the month.


Email me with questions:

Want to see if we're the right fit?
Book a free 15min "Hello" call

Ready to work with me?
Book a grief coaching session